Hi guys!! Had Social Studies paper this morning and the SEQ was pretty easy as what i had learnt came out in the question....so yeah, saw Sayang today(happy face), she look prettier, got a haircut..Yeah saw Mark and Tom and Zacky and everyone else too...
..and yeah, Mark send me one song by Slipknot which was People = Shit......damn funny hor the song....later lyk got one long part which goes like "people equals shit!!people equals shit!!people equals shit!!!!!...
...at the end of mother tongue lesson, Mdm Yati gave the whole class green packets which contains $2 each...
..had chemistry extra lessons after school...boring.......but then had lots of fun with tom and mark...
So yeah that was for today.....btw, change my blogskin alrdy...and the song too...enjoy...
People = Shit
Here we go again, motherfucker!
Come on down, and see the idiot right here,
Too fucked to beg and not afraid to care.
What's the matter with calamity anyway?
Right? Get the fuck outta my face!
Understand that I can't feel anything.
It isn't like I wanna sift through the decay.
I feel like a wound, like I got a fuckin'
Gun against my head, you live when I'm dead!
One more time, motherfucker!
Everybody hates me now, so fuck it,
Blood's on my face and my hands, and I don't know why
I'm not afraid to cry, but that's none of your business!
Whose life is it? Get it? See it? Feel it? Eat it?
Spin it around so I can spit in it's face.
I wanna leave without a trace,
'cause I don't wanna die in this place!
People = Shit!
People = Shit!
People = Shit!
People = Shit!
People=Shit! (Whatcha gunna do?)
People=Shit! ('cause I am not afraid of you.)
People=Shit! (Im everything you'll never be!)
People=Shit! (Yeah!)
It never stops - you can't be everything to everyone.
Contagion - I'm sittin' at the side of Satan.
What do you want from me?
They never told me the failure I was meant to be.
Now. Overdo it - don't tell me you blew it,
Stop your bitchin' and fight your way through it!
C'mon motherfucker everybody has to die,
C'mon motherfucker EVERYBODY HAS TO DIE!
People = Shit!
People = Shit!
People = Shit!
People = Shit!
People=Shit! (YEAH!)
People=Shit! (YEAH!)
People=Shit! (YEAAARGH!)
People=Shit! (AAARGH!)
People = Shit!
People = Shit!
People = Shit!
People = Shit!
People=Shit! (Whatcha gonna do?)
People=Shit! (Cause I'm not afraid of you.)
People=Shit! (I'm everything you'll never be!)
People=Shit! (YEAH!)
This is it.........tmr is English Paper...the start of exams....Good luck to all of you guyss out there especially Tom, Mark, Frank and Zacky...(and Travis)...Good news, i got Frank to play rhythm guitar for my band, so this means that Tom will only be singing and not playing....btw, Tom And Mark told me a new Chuck Norris joke.......it goes like this,"Chuck Norris kills 2 stones with 1 bird"......haha!!! GET THE JOKE!!!! If you don't get it, i'm not sorry about this, but burn in hell....to all of you who don't get this...........hahahaha................
Aniwaes, me and Zacky thought up of making a huge gang so that we can go jalan raye together........go to houses of ppl we know, turn them outside down, break them apart,steal all their money and leave.........haha...sounds like fun...and Mark is coming along with us too! So that he can get enough money to get a bass guitar! YEAH! Hi-5!
Aniwaes here are the lyrics to this song.........
A touch of poison seals my fate
The dawn echoes the night with my glory...the sun himself honors me
Once king of roses, now lord of gold
The Gods themselves envy my hand
Blessed with the gift of gilded touch
Fate wields it's knife to cut the thread
I curse the day my dream became my descent
Suddenly I long for you, my only love
In my perfection I have no want
Yet eyes still glint with greed untold
A folly as fatal as sin has now become the end of me
I curse the day my dream became my descent
Suddenly I long for you, my only love
Have I not earned this, the gift of beauty within?
How selfish were the Gods to keep their riches from my rightful treasure?
I truly have become one of them...my fatal flaw
Oh yeah! Ive got her hook, line, and sinker!
Thanks to me, she's her own new necklace!
Now she's good as gold!
I curse the day my dream became my descent
Suddenly I long for you, my only love
...cut the thread...
SO TODAY!!!!Nope there wasn't any study or shit like that...TODAY'S A FRIDAY!!! DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS KIDS???? FRIDAY PRAYERS!!!!YEAH!!!!LOL!!!!So this morning, i met up with my band manager, Zhafri, under his new block and we took a bus to Assyafaah mosque which is at Sembawang. To all dumb kids who are wondering which bus service leads us to the mosque, its 962.
So we sat on the bus. A few stops later, Nazme, board up the bus and yeah, we went there together.
At the mosque, we met up with my Vocalist/Rhythmic Guitarist, Nabil, and sat through the sermon together.
After that, we decided to go to the Yamaha store at the small Sun Plaza to check out some shitty guitars and play it...And so, here are the pics of the journey to the YAMAHAHAHA store.....

Wow that is some face there Zhaf...close ur mouth....u and Nab haf the same syndrome when taking photos....
In the store......

Go Nazme!!! ROCK ON!! Ermm......Nabil..u can stop that now....

Why do u always have to stick out ur tongue Zhaf????.............Erm this is a candid shot i swear!!!
Erm yeah..So that's the fun thing about today...BTW KIDS!!! I got this
great idea!!! Im currently working on a blog about the different bands in WRS...AND I NEED YOUR HELP!!! If you know of any band in our school, please sms me at 92275161. I need the band's name, the members and their details, and their common genre that they play and their band manager. This is gonna be one of the cooolest shit that i will ever do....SO PLEASE HELP!!!!
Today was almost the same as yesterday. Study at lib again, this time safwan and hazmie tagged along. If anyone want to study with us pls do come, we will be at level 3 from 10am to 3pm.
NOW, I GOTTA CUT ALL DISTRACTIONS. BURN SALLY DOWN. SMASH JACK TO PIECES. I'LL DESTROY THEM TO BITS!!!! CUT ALL THEIR STRINGS AND SHIT!! I GOTTA FREAKIN FOCUS ON MY STUDIES!!!! I always have this urge to play Jack And Sally like almost most of my free time at home when i should be studying.........SHIIIIITTT!!!!!...........CAN LIFE BE FREAKIN WORSE????? Sometimes i feel lyk killing myself....i can't freakin afford to fail one or two subjects again....I GOT GET As!!!!Not 'as' but 'A's haha get the joke????get it????get it????LAUGH ALL OF YOU DUMBASSES!!!!LAUGH OR I"LL SWEAR I"LL CHOP OFF YOUR HEAD AND BURN YOU DOWN TO ASHES AND DUMP IT INTO THE SEA........MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!Just KIddin...haha....i CAN FEEL the pressure already....EOY...heeeeesh....

Woke up at the same tym as yesterday except that i had about 3 hours of sleep due to unforeseen circumstances, dun wanna talk about it. So yeah, i studied again at the lib.

And after that we went to Causeway Point to chill out for a few minutes at Timezone.

At the end of the day, went back home with Sufiyan, who leaves somehere near me. Sorry guys i've got nothing much to write for today. Its lyk almost the same thing as yesterday.Now its lyk a few hours more till break fast.mmmmmm....I can smell the food already...........aniwaes, if anyone wants to study too, contact me at 922275161...
Lyk every other year during the fasting month, i'll wake up at 5 in the morning. Ate till my stomach can't take it anymore and rest. Took a nap until around 9 and prepared myself for a group study at the library.
We studied from 10 til 2.30. Musa was there so that we can clarify any doubts with him. The ones who were there to study too was Me, Azri, Faris, Amir, Musa, Sufiyan, Denise and Kerin. So yeah, we studied A Maths. I asked Musa quite a number of questions on logarithms. And yeah, he helped me...
Then I sat there thinking about what to achieve for my End-Of-Year Exams. Then it was lyk time to go and we left that place.

We then went to Causeway Point to check out some stuff and played some games and uifnfperigpqjow...So we walked around and stuff....

After all that, we went to a bazaar nearby to check out some shitty stuff. So went there.......gnaosdgaiougnauiojhga'pot[]atajkhgjmaok;napohn....And then we all went back home......
At home, took a shower and then followed my parents to Geylang to buy some food for breaking fast this evening. So yeah, went there and bought couple of stuff. And got back home just to write about today in my life to u guys....awwwww....so sweet...hehe.............So now, there's is about one hour left until i can eat....haha...mmmmm....btw here a re my targets for EOY...
English---> A1 (Yeah,i've been getting Bs and i thought i shuld get an A this tym)
E Maths---> A2(no more Cs or Bs...)
A Maths---->A2(haha,same as above)
Malay----->B4(i can't do well for Malay,I duno why...)
Combined Humanities(SS + Geo)---->A2(I see no reason to do badly for this...)
Physics---->A2(I wanna plz Mr Yap and beat Cynthia so that she'll treat me to Swensen's..)
Chemistry---->A2(make that old hag shut her mouth up)
Guitar--> Memorise at least 2 Blink182 songs(which r Always and Another Girl,Another Planet)
Syng--->Make her happy...ALWAYS!!!!!