Ok, this is big coz its for SOMEONE who complains he can't see my posts well.....I hope that that SOMEONE can see it now or I'll regard that SOMEONE to be a blind dot dot dot dot dot....
Sunday - 30 November 2008
Nothing much happened today, just went out with my family the whole day...quite fun though....
.....and tomorrow after work, ima go to Peninsular to buy some stuff and relevant teaching materials to teach Zubair after going to Peninsular.....
...We'll be at our usual spot, the Treehaus Park....and tmr Sham is tagging along....anyone who wants to join, contact me...lols.......
Friday, 28 November 2008
Yes people, I taught Zubair how to play the guitar...and trust me, he's a very fast learner...it's his 2nd time practicing and he catches the ball damn fast...
..I taught him the basics like changing from A minor to E minor and vice versa and strumming patterns....

One hour later, PHOOF! he got it....that's faster than the last time i first practiced it...i took two hours...
Looking forward to more sessions with him, his quite a good guy to teach and Fuad is also teaching him....anyone who wants to join along the session(only for beginners) please contact me...
Hey ppl....
.......Todday, not going to work....
and i'll go prayers at 12noon....
..before that, zubair will come to my house to borrow my Sally....
....zubair is currently learning guitar.....i'm his teacher.....this month i got 2 students... first was Rano...now Zubair....i must be great aren't i? NOT? actualli i suck a lot...why cant they just realised that? nvm..
....today, i think ima start on power chords with him and teach him how to read tabs....
...And i realised something....WHY DO A LOT OF PPL WANT TO LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE GUITAR NOWADAYS??? hmmmm...
..beats me....i havent got a clue either....
Currently my left shoulder is recovering....it got hurt badly ever since OBS....since then, i can't lift heavy objects on my left shoulder....
....Learnt one cool thing from Wesley about learning guitar two days ago....Wesley says," My dad says that taking classes for guitar is stupid..he says that guitar is a passion and should be learnt from the heart and not taking classes for it..."
...Yesterday, Zhaf told me he wanna make with me cover of 'Helena' by MCR.....lolol...
....Actualli today, my side project wanna go jamming but then Faiz and Zhaf cannot make it...last minute shit.....but nvm....gonna call Sham and ask him come with me and Zubair to teach him.....lolololol...
...Anyone who wants to come, plz tell me....lololol rofl.....seriously.....im not a good teacher....
...gonna meet Nabil at the mosque today....loololololololololololololololololololololololol
Fuck u, u seriously don't understand...
....dot dot dot should have taken the initiative to at least let me know, either by calling to ensure that dot dot dot are fucking aware about that day and not make dot dot dot look some unprioritised piece of shit.............
........dot dot dot fuckin tired of all this time when dot dot dot not treated as the most important dot dot dot...........
........fuckin made dot dot dot feel like shit and also made dot dot dot cry about it almost every night.....
....dot dot dot want to break this shit....
...put an end to all this...
....and FUCKING NOT waste dot dot dot dot dot dot time on dot dot dot dot dot dot
SO, FUCK U AND UR MOM AND UR DAD AND UR AUNTS AND UR UNCLES AND UR COUSINS............................................
.....can someone give me a hug?.......................huh?
aniwaes sorry guys, im gonna postpone the updates tmr....AND ITS NABIL AND MY SIS BDAE TMR!!!! HAHAHAHA!!! HAPPY BDAE to u all..............................
...........been thinking about a lot of stuff lately....'ve been wondering why 've been treated this way, things happen this way and end up this way..................................................
..........................and 've formed my resolved............................................
...............................after all the things i've let go........haiz.......i wish i didnt fuckin,in the first place,............hmmph nvm...................................................................holding it for quite some time already and realised now that i shuld make a move................or regret...forever.................
HEYH HYEH YEH YEHEY HEY HYEY HEY HEY to the power of 63.5 - 0.5............
....I forgot to tell u guys one interesting thing that happened yesterday......No it's not that i met up with someone.....no! i didnt have sex with some random slut on the street....
....A teenage girl was attempting suicide just directly outside my bedroom window at the carpark....i got the pics....sorry i didnt record it, my phone out of memory...
....Aniwaes when she was about to jump, the officers quickly grabbed her and.... i wont tell u guys haha...just wait for tomorrow kay? i'll post the pics along....
...Sorry guys...it's just that i'm tired now, just came back from Peninsular...got y long-awaited, cool new Alesana cap...WOOTS XD!!!!!......next week, im gonna buy a Silverstein one.....
You don't understand......=)......HAHAHAHA!!!
...Aniwaes guys, if u are goin somewhere, PLZ DO BRING ME OUT ALONG!
bcoz someone's not free...............................PLZ HAVE A CHAT WITH ME WHEN U GUYS ARE BORED COZ IM IN THE SAME BOAT HERE...........call me, sms me, write a letter to me, have sex with me....HUH? wtf???
.......................................this song is orgasmic...i came to it like 6 times already...huh?wtf???
Today is friday...initially wanted to go to Peninsular to buy stuff....but cancelled...I went to An Nur mosque with Muhd and met up with Nabil and Sham over there...
...After prayers, we decided to go to CWP to eat...i was thinking of buying a hoodie...then texted Zhaf to come over and joined us and he did..
...We then eat at Long John Silver's...........after walk around cursing/criticizing/complimenting ppl.....haha no life...
....then we all went back home...but me, muhd and zhaf took train to adm and eat ice-creams at Mac..............
...Then i walk back home..............i think i'm gonna work tomorrow and walk to Peninsular after that with my cuzzin...........finally gonna get my shit....i mean stuff.....
Aniwaes, here's a song...Goodbye, Goodnight For Good by Alesana...it's sweet/meaningful/nice-to-listen/orgasmic....huh?
blue parts: are parts done by the clean vocalist/rhythm guitar, Shawn Milke(he's fourth from left, facing my Alesana wallpaper)
red parts: are parts done being screamed by the lead screamer Dennis Lee(3rd from left), and backing screams/lead-and-rhythm guitarist, Adam "Huck" Ferguson(2nd from left)...(IF IT IS A HIGH-PITCHED, GIRL-LIKE SCREAMING, IT IS DONE BY SHAWN..)
purple parts: are parts done with a mixture of both screams and clean OR a clean part turning into a scream..
orange parts: are parts done by Shawn's sister, Melissa Milke
so here it goes......
Goodbye, Goodnight For Good
Where Myth Fades To Legends
Jealousy rears its ugly head
I won't forget the things you said before
Goodbye, goodnight for good
Remember my face when you feel the pain
Now i'll FIGHT with my eyes closed
For the things I've let go
Choke on the lies that were your last goodbye
Hear my voice AS YOU SLEEP
Choke on the lies, they were your last
Goodbye helps me to sleep without your memory
And my shattered dreams COLLECT dust on what used to be a lie
It haunts me no more and now you're GONE, you've left me alone
Now I'll FIGHT with my eyes closed
For the things I've let go
Choke on the lies, they were your last goodbye
Hear my voice AS YOU SLEEP
Choke on the lies, they were your LAST
Soft flesh gives way to trembling hand
Today as usual, went to work...
...After work, met up with Zhafri, Rey and Ama at CWP..it was Rey's birthday actually...
....Treated them all Sundaes...
..Haiz, go back home with Zhafri...but we didn't get back home yet..we walked outside school to see some....
...then we went back home....
...haiz....long time haven see my mates....kinda miss them....the laughs haha...
...aniwaes, tmr ima goin to Peninsular to buy some stuff....anyone wanna folo me?call me or text me at 92275161....
ANIWAES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS A SONG FROM ALESANA!!!
IT'S CALLED, ' This Is Usually The Part Where People Scream' and it's the first song from 'Where Myth Fades To Legend'....And i fell in love with this song...dun get me wrong!...i sort of dance to this song...LOL!....
This Is Usually The Part Where People Scream
Where Myth Fades To Legend
You'll beat me?
Bring it on, bring it on
You're gonna save the day?
Bring it on, bring it on
You Ready?
Bring it on
I'll show you another thing or two
You may think you're clever, but you're not
You better get the coffins out
Trust me kid that's where you're sleeping tonight
There's no guarantee we'll get out alive
Stop your whining, let's get busy
Baby, it's time to lock and load
Stop your whining, let's get busy
Welcome to the show
It's a story that you've heard a thousand times
So take a seat and get lost with me
This tale will never stop being told
Welcome to the show
It's a chance to save the world or lose the girl
Let's save the world
Heroes will save the day
You may think you've won, but I promise you it's not over
This could be our one last chance to finally rise up
So here we stand and here we will fight
None of us shall run from anyone
Storms are gathering
There's no guarentee we'll get out alive
Stop your whining, let's get busy
We have to rise above and fight
We'll be heroes
Welcome to the show
It's a story that you've heard a thousand times
So take a seat and get lost with me
This tale will never stop being told
Welcome to the show
It's a chance to save the world or lose the girl
Let's save the world
Heroes will save the day
This is the part where you are supposed to scream
When you scream, we'll be heroes
Welcome to the show
It's a story that you've heard a thousand times
So take a seat and get lost with me
This tale will never stop being told
Welcome to the show
It's a chance to save the world or lose the girl
Let's save the world
Heroes will always save the day
Let's save the world
Heroes will save the day
Let's save the world
Heores will always save the day
THIS MORNING.......................
Woke up at 4am.........couldn't sleep again..............so i waited for 9am....that's when i met up with Zhafri at his house at we met up with Muhd at Admiralty Macdonald's to have breakfast....(Zhafri woke up late...as usual....)
Then...we took a bus to the swimming complex which was near the woodlands stadium.........
......COZ WE"RE GOING TO SWIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha...saw some disturbing things just now..................
then after that, when we're done, we walked to (C)ause(W)ay (P)oint....then go eat at Long John Silver....initially we wanted to eat at Swensen's but then......................
.....Aniwaes, we didnt really finish our food coz we were really tired..........so Zhaf said that we should walk to Treehaus to rest there....and so we did. Here are the pics along the way....
When we reached there, Zhafri......
When we changed to a much more better spot, Zhafri.....again....
On our way back to CWP....it's gonna rain! omg!What the hell are the staring at???
OOOOOoooooo....no wonder...free show...Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian blablabla yeayea watever...
After all that, we took 962 back home. Which was at around 3pm...And guess what, it was raining heavily....haiz...got back home damn wet....
Aniwaes....here's a good song for you guys. It's 'Ambrosia' by Alesana....This was the first song i listened to by Alesana.....and
blue fonts: are parts that are clean
red fonts: are parts that are screams
purple fonts: are parts that are both clean and screams
green fonts: are parts that i can't catch or understand even with the guidance of the lyrics....
So here it is guys...please do listen and appreciate it...and leave comments in the tagbox....and to my old friend passerby, please do tag me....=D......
....(ps: I FINALLY FIXED THE TIME AND DATE SETTINGS!!=D.....what you seeing now is the correct timing...)
On Frail Wings Of Vanity And Wax
A touch of poison seals my fate
The dawn echoes the night with my glory...the sun himself honors me
Once king of roses, now lord of gold
The Gods themselves envy my hand
Blessed with the gift of gilded touch
Fate wields it's knife to cut the thread
I curse the day my dream became my descent
Suddenly I long for you, my only love
In my perfection I have no want
Yet eyes still glint with greed untold
A folly as fatal as sin has now become the end of me
I curse the day my dream became my descent
Suddenly I long for you, my only love
Have I not earned this, the gift of beauty within?
How selfish were the Gods to keep their riches from my rightful treasure?
I truly have become one of them...my fatal flaw
Oh yeah! Ive got her hook, line, and sinker!
Thanks to me, she's her own new necklace!
Now she's good as gold!
I curse the day my dream became my descent
Suddenly I long for you, my only love
Hi guys...'ve been working for the past few days...and blablabla...............aniwaes today after work, Zhaf texted me that he want go eat...and so we did...at mac....at admiralty......then went back home...
...Tmr...me,Zhaf and Muhd(maybe) are going swimming at Woodlands there....anyone wants to join...boy or girl or gay or les, plz call me............
......I got a fren who is depressed about one thing.......about another person blablabla..................and i hope that this song that i'm dedicating to him can help him relate to his situation blablabla........
....It's called, "Congratulations, I Hate You" by Alesana...i know i put this song in my blog before but i don't care if u guys got a problem with that................................................................................
.........and, i'm gonna put more Alesana songs so plz don't shut your ears and get used to the screaming...............................................
.............aniwaes, the orders are....
1. Congratulations, I Hate You
2. Ambrosia
3. This Conversation Is Over
..........................................until then.....................................
On Frail Wings Of Vanity And Wax
No one ever said that life was fair and I'm not saying that it should be
So knowing that you are what you want to be and I'm not comes as no surprise
But don't expect me to be happy for you
And don't smile at me and tell me things will work out for me too
I don't want your pity... I HATE your pity
Taste your vanity and it's sweet bitterness
As you hide behind your veil of my stolen hopes and lost dreams
... You took them all...
I watched you steal my thoughts and had to see you smile
As you build your dreams on my shattered hopes
I'll look back on a day once loved and fantasize for tragedy
Swallow your pride
Beg me to make this easier and listen to my hopeless cries
Suffer alone in emptiness
I lust to see you swallowed by the mess that you left in your wake
Disgust lies deep within your empty gaze...
Beg me to make this easier and listen as my hopeless cries
Send stares into your meaningless eyes
(bass solo)
(start of screaming solo)
(end of screaming solo)
As you build your dreams on my shattered hopes
I'll look back on a day once loved and fantasize for tragedy
Swallow your pride
Beg me to make this easier and listen as my hopeless cries
Send stares into your meaningless eyes
The cat at my grandma's stall....
Thursday - 13TH nOVEMBER 2008
Woke up and got ready. Went out of my house and set off to Zhafri's place. Then he was not ready yet, and we're running late. So i waited at the stairs till he comes out of his house. Then we set off to Admiralty to meet up with Muhd and Rey. Then we ate breakfast at Macdonald's there.
After that, we went to the 'Shop N Save' there to get some tidbits/snacks/rations/food (u name it) and drinks. Then we took 913 to Woodlands Bus Interchange and took some bus to Tampines( i forgot which bus was it) but it was a double decker. We saw Sham and his fam at the interchange.
We then reached Tampines, walked to the MRT station and took a train to Pasir Ris. Then at Pasir Ris, we took a bus to Pasir Ris Park.
When we reached there, there was no one...which was good...this means peace...we got a spot under a shelter and sat there. We ate some stuff...and so we ate....then there was a caterpillar on Zhafri
...He fucking freaked out! haha it was so funny at that time...then like 10 mins later, we were eating..then zhafri went out blurting, "EH KUNIK!! THERE'S A FLYING CATERPILLAR BEHIND YOU!! PUKI!!! PUKI!!!" LOLOLOLOLOL HAHAHA!!! It was funny at that time, damn funny. We thought he was paranoid about the caterpillar incident...but there was really a flying caterpillar..
..Then we went to the breakwater and sat down there, looking at the horizon and stuff. Then i got a cool idea....

Haha kinda cool rite?


We spotted some OBS ppl kayaking...........
.......Then after all that, we all set off for the bus stop. At the bus stop, Muhd made a stupid theory about cats. It was, "Cats rip their balls out after they fuck..." Then the rest of us laughed like fuck.........After that set off to Causeway Point to eat. Then go back home..=)....Looking forward to more days like this....

They looked like some abandoned kids rite?Everyone was staring at them...
Friday - 14th November 2008
This morning, i made up my mind to go to work....so my dad sent me there...work was usual....but there was an anomaly today....THERE WAS A CAR ACCIDENT IN FRONT OF MY GRANDMA WORKPLACE!!!! COOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!! I like my job, you'll get free shows....
...how it goes...
a car was moving out, then suddenly hit a motorcycle which was passing by...the motorcyclist didn't fall.... then the car driver negotiated with him....then the motorcyclist took pics of the car....then he act got chest pains.....then ambulance came......then police came.......then...i lazy tell coz i was about to leave from work to meet up with Zhafri coz he was nearby blablabla...
Here are the pics of the accident....

Then i walked to City Hall to buy Alesana's Where Myth Fades To Legend..I was lucky, there was only one left...I wasn't hesitant...I bought it....then meet up with Zhaf at Dhouby Ghout interchange...and Tian Boon was there too....
Then we go eat at Macdonald's...Me and Zhaf...tian boon went home....then Wahidah came with Naufal....and we all ate.....Then i made a parody of Zhafri's pic holding an AC/DC cd...ALESANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WHERE MYTH FADES TO LEGENDS....
After all that, we went back home....i then try out my new,cool Alesana disc....IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. This Is Usually The Part Where People Scream
2. Goodbye, Goodnight For Good
3. Seduction
4. A Most Profound Quiet
5. Red And Dying Evening
6. Better Luck Next Time, Prince Charming
7. The Uninvited Thirteenth
8. Sweetheart, You Are Sadly Mistaken
9. And They Call This Tragedy
10. All Night Dance Parties In The Underground Palace
11. Endings Without Stories
12. As You Wish
13. Obsession Is Such An Ugly Word
Aniwaes, wwe're gonna make more picnics...ssososooo if you're interested, call me or rey or zhafri...thank u haf a nice day
Hey guys it's like 4.30 Am now...i can't get back to sleep...and iwont update about the past few days yet so just hang on ok? later i update....ok?ok? good doggie,now get back to sleep..
What's up people? It's 7.30Am now and i'm the only guy blogging now....i guess..
So yesterday night, after my recent post, Zhafri ask me whether i wanna join him in his side project.
So i agreed to it and we're gonna start practicing it this Thursday. It consists of Muhd(vocals), Zhafri(lead), Azri-which is me(rhythm), Wesley(Bass) and Faiz(Drums, Percussions)
I'll tell you more in my next post which will be at around 4pm this afternoon. Later on at 9am, i got my Physics SPA...Kinda feeling a bit nervous now coz it's scary(huh?)....but it's ok, once i get through this, i'll carry on with life.
See ya guys later this afternoon....
Look at me
Who am i supposed to be
or what do i believe?
Can you tell me?
(Plz read the previous post first if you have not done so. Thank You have a nice day)
So i had Chem Spa just now...it was easy. I came inside the lab, very nervous. Then when i scan through the question paper, it was clear - it was easy babeh....haha
......Completed it in half an hour..stare at other people in the meantime - got bored. Then over. Mrs Whelan then said that thhe picnic was not cancelled. That's okay. It's on my sis birthday..and on Nabil's too. We going to barbeque and stuff.
.....After SPA just now, we went straight to class. Mr Yap was holding us back for Physics extra lessons. I got back my practical work, it was not as bad as the previous one. :)... Even though there was a 'See Me'.....again.......
When all that was over, went back home. Played the Xbox but got bored. Played the PSP but got bored. Played with Sally but got bored. Use the computer but got bored................
......Can't wait for Wednesday...get back to work..free drinks..free food...more money...but more of those customers...damn..
.....And can't wait for Thursday..hang out with frens......
..and gonna watch Heroes Season 3 tonight....on the net...for free...
......bored..bored..bored..bored..what do u guys do to not make yourselves bored? plz share with me thank you have a nice day....
...Can't wait for tmr to complete my Physics SPA and get on with life...
....and i can't wait for the day to see you again....
Fuck, duck, suck, chuck, muck, buck, whatever
..Here i am, sitting at home, waiting for 10am so i can get to school to finish up my Chem Spa shit and get on with life.
..Feeling very tired now, couldn't sleep last night. I've been thinking about things but let's just drop it.
..So erm I've been 'invited' to a picnic by Zhafri, it's organised by Rey
...Here's the message that i got from Zhaf ,"Invitation to all...goin pasir ris beach this thur...bring food,guitar,drinks,guitar........and anythin u can think of"
..Lol..he mention guitar twice..but aniways, i'll be buying the drinks, lots and lots of drinks, and bring Sally along=)........Sally..haha..the other one is Jack..how the hell i named them, It's from Blink 182 'I Miss You'....
Hello there
The angel from my nightmareThe shadow in the background of the morgueThe unsuspecting victimof the darkness in the allleyWe can live like Jack and SallyIf we want
Yup, that's how i got their names=)...Well i'll be busy doing my side project this holidays, I'm gonna do a lot of covers with one of my best friends Khairul Anwar(who is a vocalist)..and we need someone who can play the bass..We gonna record and post it on Youtube. It's gonna be fun, i always enjoy working with Anwar.
Gona record some stuff this Thursday too, maybe i'll play some songs and Nabil sings them. If you guys wanna come, ask Rey. Aniwaes, Muhd is our cameraman, our official cameraman. lol .
No one has take the offer yet. The offer is free one hour of jamming. Please register for this if u want it. Thank You, Have A Nice Day.
I'm gonna post again later at night so see ya guys later.
(Ps: I like using various colours for my posts..it just makes me smile=) )
Hey guys, a lot of stuff happened yesterday....k lemme start...
...In the morning, i woke up at 5am. Took a shower and played with Sally, practicing Thunder. Then did my dawn prayers(Subuh/Suboh) and then at around 7 30am, i went to work...maybe for the last time. I work at my grandma's place and took some pics of it so that you can see how it's like.
..My grandma said she wanna visit a lot of countries like U.S and Canada during the holidays so she have to close down the shop for a while. So yesterday i went to work, maybe for the last time.
..I board the train at Admiralty at exactly 8am. It was crowded..as usual..I never get to sit in the train everytime i go to work. Only once..
..Stop at Dhouby Ghout train interchange and switch trains. Then i stop at Little India. Reached there at exactly 8.45 am..i'm serious..
.. At Little India, there are 3 exits, one leading to Tekka Market, another leads to Kandang Kerbau Hospital and the last one leads to Mckenzie Road.
..To get there, i have to take the one that leads to Mckenzie Road. Then walk a few distances and walah, i've reached.
..My grandma was in the kitchen..I call her 'Mak'....wait let me tell you the characters of the story..
..Azri - Me(duh)
..Mak - Azri's grandma(azri's mom's mom)
..Atok - Some crazy old guy in his early 60s who works for my grandma and usually makes the hot beverages..(even though Atok means grandpa in Malay, he and me has no blood connection)
Nek Lok - My grandma's younger sis(only works from Monday to Friday)
Indah - My tomboy cousin(she hasn't been to work for the past few weeks coz she usually hangs out with her friends)
and not to forget our very important characters which plays a major role in the story, the CUSTOMERS!! yes! these asshol- i mean not assholes who always make me puke(erm no)...why?..i'll tell you later....
.......WHOOPS!..got to go now, i got madrasah and i have to memorise Yasin(a holy something)..and i still haven done it yet..exam some more...haiz, but madrasah is easy, you just read ur book before the exam start also you can like top in class..it's usually either me,some other guy whom you don't know, or Safwan whom always gets top in class every year..
..Aniwaes, yesterday Arsenal won 2-0 against Man U...noisy sia yesterday, my dad and uncles were like ,"Yeah go Arsenal! Arsenal ftw! yeah!yeah! To hell with Man U! Blablablabla.."....i was like, "Haiz(shakes head), adults nowadays...it should be the kids who makes the noise.."
Boys Like Girls
When I was younger I used to be wild
As wild as an elephant's child
No one could hold me down
No one could keep me around
Now it's your turn, take a shot
Baby, show me everything that you got
Maybe you can keep me alive
Maybe you can get in my mind
But it's only a matter of time
Before I run far away
I need to take a holiday
Maybe it's a fall from grace
I gotta find a new place
A holiday
I'll set off on a new chase
I gotta see a new face
I need to take a holiday
My father, he was always wise
As wise as an elephant's eyes
He couldn't hold me down
He couldn't keep me around
So are you gonna take your shot?
It's the only one that you got
Maybe I'll go out on limb
Maybe I'll jump in for a swim
When the lights go dim
Chorus 2:
You know I'll run far away
I need to take a holiday
Maybe it's a fall from grace
I gotta find a new place
A holiday
I'll set off on a new chase
I gotta see a new face
I need to take a holiday
(Need to take a holiday)
Whoa whoa
A new start
I've broken too many hearts
And I don't have any clue where to go
I don't know
But maybe I'll be back someday after my holiday
When I was younger I used to be wild
As wild as an elephant's child
And I don't think I'll ever change
I think I'm gonna stay the same
Chorus 3:
I'll run away
I need to take a holiday (Need to take a holiday)
Maybe it's a fall from grace
I gotta find a new place
A holiday
I'll set off on a new chase (Set off on a new chase)
I gotta see a new face
I need to take a holiday
A new start
I've broken too many hearts
And I don't have any clue where to go
I don't know
And maybe I'll be back someday after my holiday
All of the wasted time
The hours that were left behind
The answers that we'll never find
And they don't mean a thing tonight
This morning................
............i woke up, with my ehem still itchy. What do i do? Scratch lar....NO! I bathed...Then met up with zhafri and treated him to Macdonald's....bought for him hotcakes with sausage....lol......
.....saw a lot of people especially from 3-4....lol...i think having their last supper...i mean last breakfast...GET IT?..last breakfast...i bet one of them is Judas.........
.....So me and zhaf was eating, saw nabil, wesley and alicia eating too....then aziz came and joined us.................MUHAMMAD NEVER TURNED UP AT ALL!!! FUCK U!!!!
..........Then, we walked to school....and gathered....then first period...CHEMISTRY.........FUCK!!!!!!....
........Mrs Whelan talked some stuff.....Stuff like "I have to cancel the class outing"....FUCK!!!!!!
...No!not the class outings... plz...but it's ok..haha...i'll make my own class outing and u Mrs Whelan, are not included...HAHA
.........I also want to make a picnic with frens u noe... haf fun with them...all of my frens, so i need ur help...tell ppl about this...ill buy the drinks....and some other stuff...like a cake..
Plz listen to my cries,
from my cold eyes,
then we eat rice,
a cup of tea with ice,
Your mouth's full of flies,
Along with some lies,
Hah 8 fucking lines,
That fucking rhymes....
Plz guys, i really need to make this picnic shit thing happen...plzplzplzplzplz.....
.........Btw im like onlining now at msn with zhaf and whole lot of other people from WRSS...Spamming.....holidays.......haiya.....GONA SPENT TIME WITH FRENS!!! AND FINISH UP THE LOVE STORY.
.....YES!THE LOVE STORY!!!I GOT LIKE 2 IRRITATING READERS NOW!! They all like bugging me with burning questions about the love story...haiz.......
.....It's so funny rite now at msn...me zhaf and a lot other ppl want to make rebellion....haha lols
being online is fun....
aniwae's, those of u hu got msn add me...grim_reaper_azri@hotmail.com.......
...........aniwaes......................im gonna practice 'Thunder' by Boys Like Girls....soooo nice.....i sometimes got irritated by alif....he sings that song....but quite nice though...so yeah..practice...
...........ANIWAES.......Next week Damage Control is going to jamming...........we gonna play 'Pieces' by Sum 41 and gona record it at good quality for u guys to see how we suck....
....ANIWAES......anione of u want free jamming? u guys got me in a good mood today and i have like $20 to treat anyone of u to jamming...so plz leave ur response in the tagbox....
.........ANd plz do leave ur response about the picnic too...and if any of u wanna go out with me during the holidays, plz call me or leave a message at the tagbox....coz i can get bored sometyms......bb..........LOVE U GUYS!!!!
.............................especially u too..............a lot............seriously..................
Hey kids.........im back...with a new cool Alesana wallpaper........and a few songs..........
...............and a new series.....'What really happened today'...haha
...SO what really happened....
......Woke up at 4am in the morning...with my ehem suddenly itchy like fuck....couldn't get back to sleep coz it was so itchy...
....Then took a shower instead, and everyone was asleep. So i played with Jack(my 2 generations-old electric guitar) and played till my Father woke up and went like 'What the hell are you doing early in the morning?'
...I told him i couldnt sleep.....so i just played, my dad then went to work. Then i ate breakfast..it was bread spreaded with nutella chocolate and chocolate milk....mmmm...chocolate.....then i went to school........
.........Walked to school, which took less than 5 mins( i love u mom and dad for buying a house which is damn near to school so that i won't suffer everyday with bus fares and waking-up time).............
............Got to the usual spot and met up with Wesley, i put my bag down and we went to the toilet.....then we came back....then gather.......first period was Chemistry.........WOAH!CHEM!PRACTICAL!FUN!.............
............We got to the lab, and it was chaos when Mrs Whelan wasn't looking..Test-tubes, stolen....chemicals, mixed.....I mixed like some random chemical into another bottle of chemical.......later when people thought that its Sodium Hydroxide or something, it might be Sulphuric Acid or just plain tap water...........
.........There was one thing that happened, It was either Nabil or Joanne who asked for the starter to light up the bunsen burner. Then Foo Yong go throw the starter at Nabil but it hit Joanne accidentally and Joanne was like," OOWWW!! FUCK U LAR!!!" then mrs whelan saw the whole thing..."Foo yong, i wanna talk to you after this..."..HAHA!!!........
.......Then there was a birthday cake, it was for the November and December bdae ppl.....and Nabil was one of them........then they all like stand in front of the lab like singing and taking picture...
.....Then me and Wesley like became extras.....we go stand in front with them and took photos with them......haha.....
........Then me and Kevin thought that it was a perfect time to steal things coz mrs whelan was distracted and stuff....so we went to the store room next door and took stuff....Kevin took a long strand of Magnesium ribbon which can turn into a flashbang when heated strongly...i took 2 test-tubes....
.......Then Chem over....now English.....English was fun....wait a minute...i forgot what happened but it was really fun.....
......After that was recess....erm recess was kinda boring so i guess you guys dun wana know about it......then after that was Physics......
........OMG!!!Physics...i was prepared for the worst(not really the worst)..i knew i did badly for the recent Physics practical....then Mr Yap came in..and was like angry.....then angry angry angry...scold scold scold...Then Mr Yap mention something that there was only one joker whose readings got like 'something point 5 all the way' eg '7.5, 3.5, 8.5'.......and OMG! that was me...only one....sad sad....then my paper got like a 'See me!' but then shuld i see him? NO!...haha.....
........Halfway through Physics, Cynthia passed me like a wooden clip which was from Ms Low. It was for being top in class in English, but then, I'm top in class with Woon Yung....but it's ok, at least i'm halfway achieving my dreams for English.....
....Then we got Social Studies...combined with 3E3 like all other SS lessons....TODAY'S SS WAS PURE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Everytime when Yaznisham makes noise, Nabil or Boon Hao will go like 'Sham shut up arh, I call police arh' or 'Sham shut up lar, go touch girls again arh'....then everyone laughed like fuck......HAHAHAHA!!........then Mr Roy make like a competition between 3e2 and 3e3....a quiz......walao damn funny arh.........i duno how to tell u guys how it went but it was FUCKING fun! haha.........then we were dismissed........
.......Nabil and Wesley had to meet Mrs Whelan for a while, so i waited for them at the canteen. At the canteen, i saw Bernie and talked with him...i like talking to Bernie...his fun to talk with and stuff....we were talking about Alesana and their performances...how awesome they are and shit...and how the lead guitarist smiles and plays comfortably for all of their songs at their live performances when all of the lead guitar parts are like FUCKING hard......
Then Nabil and Wesley came down....bid goodbye to Bernie( he had to stay coz he got Bio SPA)....and we went to Macdonald's........along the way, Nabil showed how he headbang and stuff...he headbang like them low and his head like pain...then Weslaey did some headbangs too...
....Then we were thinking of changing our band's name so guys, we decided to make a poll....
Do u like
A. Damage Control
B. (your choice of name that you want for our band)
or C. Ninja Monkeys From Outer Space(this is Wesley's idea, i laughed like fuck at it...get it? laughed like fuck?..how the hell do u laugh like fuck in the first place...)
So please guys, leave ur reccomendations in the tagbox thank u....
...........So we went to Admiralty and ate at Macdonald's.....there, we talked about the level we want to play................
Level 1 - Blink-182/Sum 41
level 2 - Silverstein
Level 3 - Alesana
Level 4 - Slipknot/Atreyu
yup, that's how easy to hard we wana go, as a band........so we talked and stuff and went back home. I walked back home, as usual....then went i got back home my Sis like asked me what was the website to watch movies at a quite good quality....And i told her the website.......then she watched High School Musical 3 and laughed like hell which reminded me of someone's laugh...
....I was shocked. I aksed her why she laughed. She said that she was laughing at how stupid her friends were, spending money watching this movie at the cinema, when they can like watch it at home for free....then she laughed...again...then i'm like, 'Wtf....kids nowadays...'......
......well erm, i read about somebody being angry about something...and when i read it i laughed at it...HAHAHA!!!! only 3 guys and 1 short girl knows the real story....
........So yeah, erm i would to dedicate this song to Nabil. It's called 'When Two Are One' by Atreyu...last time i listened to Atreyu and my favourite song from Atreyu is this song.....-_-.....cause i think Atreyu is not really that ehem u know......so i don't really like listening to Atreyu you know.......well unless someone like make a miracle and convince me to like Atreyu, who knows man....so here it goes.....well after this song, it's 'This Conversation Is Over' by Alesana...i would like to dedicate this song to all my BEST CHINESE FRIENDS especially Suan Eng, Bernie and Wesley.........and the song after that is called 'Wait And Bleed' by Slipknot...i would like to dedicate this song to Wesley for erm...listening to Slipknot after i introduced it to him..........So here it goes, 'When Two Are One' by Atreyu, 'This Conversation Is Over' by Alesana, 'Wait and Bleed' by Slipknot and 'What's My Age Again' by Blink-182....enjoy...
When Two Are One
Explosions in my head that just won't quit
A train has crashed into the wall around my heart and left the old me dead
My breathing in the night when you're not there
The silence ringing through my ears and all I want to do is hear your voice
But you're not there
Drawn Together
Painter's brush stroke
Sleight of hand
We won't go up in smoke
Fates colliding
Love undying
Like the rising tide
Beating hearts grow but never die
To simplify
I'll stand by your side
Close my eyes
Hope will never die
Like the rising tide
Beating hearts grow but never die
To simplify
I'll stand by your side
Close my eyes
Hope will never die
And take away the pain of being me
Soothe my soul caress my heart and
end my fear all my bad memories
Like gunshots heard against a silent night
My love is louder than these words
They're stronger than the rest, unstoppable
Drawn together
Painter's brush stroke
Slight of hand
We won't go up in smoke
Fates colliding
Love undying
Like the rising tide
Beating hearts grow but never die
To simplify
I'll stand by your side
Close my eyes
Hope will never die
Like the rising tide
Beating hearts grow but never die
To simplify
I'll stand by your side
Close my eyes
Hope will never die
Will never die
Drawn together
Painter's brush stroke
Slight of hand
We won't go up in smoke
Fates colliding
Love undying
Like the Rising tide
Beating hearts grow but never die
To Simplify
I'll stand by your side
Close my eyes
Hope will never die
Like the Rising tide
Beating hearts grow but never die
To Simplify
I'll stand by your side
Close my eyes
Hope will never die
This Conversation Is Over
Take everything away from me silent angel...
Apathy cries out from your lungs, indifference reeks of fiction
Time will tell how far you will go
I can't see why you'd run and hide excluding such complacence
As tears rain from bloodshot eyes
Take everything away from me silent angel
Leave me nothing to remind me of this time now lost
The air now reeks with the presence of your vile voice
As your smile masks the advance you keep
... I am not your trophy...
The air now reeks with the presence of your vile voice
As your smile masks the advance you keep
... I am not your trophy...
Please try to say more carefully that you no longer need me
This back and forth is killing me
The only eyes you'll look into are those in your reflection
You are the means to my end
This conversation is over, it's over...
Your truth is a deception meant to poison me
Take everything away from me silent angel
Leave me nothing to remind me of this time now lost
I can't seem to believe that you ever cared for me
... This conversation is over...
Your empty words now drift away as fragile whispers
I saw the day when the fire left your eyes, your tongue fell still
Your treason is silence...
Take everything away from me silent angel
Leave me nothing to remind me of this time now lost
Wait And Bleed
I felt the hate rise up in me...
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves...
I wander out where you can't see...
Inside my shell, I wait and bleed...
I felt the hate rise up in me...
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves...
I wander out where you can't see...
Inside my shell, I wait and bleed...
I wipe it off on tile, the light is brighter this time
Everything is 3D blasphemy
My eyes are red and gold, the hair is standing straight up
This is not the way I pictured me
How the hell did I get here?
Something about this, so very wrong...
I have to laugh out loud, I wish I didn't like this
Is it a dream or a memory?
I felt the hate rise up in me...
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves...
I wander out where you can't see...
Inside my shell, I wait and bleed...
Why I didn't I see this?
I'm a victim - Manchurian Candidate
Makin' my mind up and takin' your breath away
I felt the hate rise up in me...
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves...
I wander out where you can't see...
Inside my shell, I wait and bleed...
I felt the hate rise up in me...
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves...
I wander out where you can't see...
Inside my shell, I wait and bleed...
You haven't learned a thing
I haven't changed a thing
My flesh was in my bones
The pain was always free
You haven't learned a thing
I haven't changed a thing
My flesh was in my bones
The pain was always free
I've felt the hate rise up in me...
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves...
I wander out where you can't see...
Inside my shell, I wait and bleed...
I've felt the hate rise up in me...
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves...
I wander out where you can't see...
Inside my shell, I wait and bleed...