Yes! 31st March! You know what that means??? Silverstein releases their new album 'A Shipwreck In The Sand' today! OMG! Ima buy it! ROFLIGATOR!
Conditions getting worse. Headaches getting worse. Sprains getting worse. Coughs getting worse..Argh..
Just now after school had lunch with Amir, Faris and Azri. It's been like 2 years since we had lunch together. Haiz...
I don't know what else more to do in life anymore, besides 'O' levels. It felt meaningless. All I can do is smile at the thought that I'm pathetically
If only I got a piano at home, I'll learn how to play it all day, just like the guitar. Maybe I'll get one after 'O' levels. ARGH!
"When everyone has left me here, I'll make it on my own."
That's just a phrase from Silverstein's 'Hear Me Out'.
I'm waiting for Mr. Azri Syazwan to tag my blog. He promised me just now. Now waiting...
"Counting down, make that sound. Till you know it makes no sense"
Another one from Silverstein's "Discovering The Waterfront"...
"I don't want to be a fraud, and pretend that everything's fine"
Silverstein's "Worlds Apart"........
Silverstein's "Bleeds No More"
"Sometimes I feel like I'm still dreaming. It seems like everyday you're always on my mind"
Silverstein's "Still Dreaming"
Just now soccer was a killer. 4-2 vs. 4-1.. ended up 2 - 2.
Nvm, good match anyway. Looking forward to more like these. I hope that there will be floorball....hehe....
Anyway! Let the good times roll! This song's 'Believe Me' by Fort Minor. Chills!
Believe Me
Fort Minor
The Rising Tied
I guess
That this is where we've come to
If you don't want to
Then you don't have to believe me
But I won't be there when you go down
Just so you know now
You're on your own now believe me
I don't want to be the one to blame
You like fun and games
Keep playing em
I'm just saying
Think back then
We was like one and the same
On the right track
But I was on the wrong train
Just like that
Now you've got a face to pain
And the devil's got a fresh new place to play
In your brain like a maze you can never escape the rain
Every damn day is the same shade of grey
I used have a little bit of a plan
Used to
Have a concept of where I stand
But that concept slipped right out of my hands
Now I don't really even know who I am
Yo, what do I have to say
Maybe I should do what I have to do to break free
What ever happens to you, we'll see
But it's not gonna happen with me
I guess
That this is where we've come to
If you don't want to
Then you don't have to believe me
But I won't be there when you go down
Just so you know now
You're on your own now believe me
Back then, I thought you were just like me
Somebody who could see all the pain I see
But you proved to me unintentionally
That you would self-destruct eventually
Now I'm thinking like the mistake I made doesn't hurt
But it's not gonna work
Cause it's really much worse than I thought
I wished you were something that you were not
And now this guilt is really all that I got
You turned your back
And walked away in shame
All you got is a memory of pain
Nothing makes sense so you stare at the ground
I hear your voice in my head when no one else is around
What do I have to say
Maybe I should do what I have to do to break free
What ever happens to you, we'll see
But it's not gonna happen with me
I guess
That this is where we've come to
If you don't want to
Then you don't have to believe me
But I won't be there when you go down
Just so you know now
You're on your own now believe me
I guess
That this is where we've come to
If you don't want to
Then you don't have to believe me
But I won't be there when you go down
Just so you know now
You're on your own now believe me
Do what i have to do
You're on your own now believe me
What ever happens to you
You're on your own now believe me
What do I have to say
You're on your own now believe me
It's not gonna happen with me
You're on your own now believe me

Yes, if you have heard about it, Baybeats yesterday = Awesome.(winks to Nab)
Sorry that I didnt put up the pics yesterday, and if you wanna see the pics, go to Zhaf's blog. OR check it out at my Facebook.
We(Me, Aziz, Nab, Wes, Zhaf) got there at around 4 and got quite good seats. Apparently, it was the break time and there was like no one. So waited till the first performance.
The first one
It was pretty good. The guitarist was damn hyper and he's hair is Afro.
2nd one
OMG! It's very creepy to kids. It was like a death metal band. And scary screams all the way...
3rd one
It's an instrumental band, no vocals btw. They have a very tall bassist. Not bad
4th one
Pretty good band. All of them are tall guys. And the keyboardist/sampler was hyper. The vocalist sounds like an American even though he looks Indian. Nice screams.
5th one
It's our ex-students. They're called 'Barricade'. They are DAMN good. Wait, that's an understatement, they're FUCKING DAMN GOOD.
6th one
It's band name goes something like Suicidal Solution or something like that. And they were playing 2 songs from their unreleased 4th album . Pretty good, the lead guitarist/lead vocals has long fingers and has a 'AC/DC' voice...
Next one, Me and Aziz left.
Im gonna bring my cam and take pics of awesome bands later! Ill be blogging again later!
And hell yea! This game's getting much more interesting to play....
Nice, it's going smoothly. Hehe(laugh like an evil maniac)
Today, passed out from NCC. This means Im free on Fridays.
Haiz, don't know what to do on Fridays.
Wes made a song today. It's called 'Lost In Translation' . It's gonna be the opening song for our 1st album.
Today had a workshop. Then went off to somewhere, don't know where but whatever.
Im gonna, live.....huh.....
Days passed, nights grew. Lol. Real nervous for tomorrow - there's a chemistry test! Great, a perfect way to make life a living hell.
Why didn't I go straight home? Oh yeah, I was an idiot.
Argh! Some guy spoiled something!!!! ARGH!!! IT COULD HAVE BEEN PERFECT!!!! Sheeeeesh...
Walked to Admiralty after school at around 6 P.M. Met up with a few people I know and they asked me something.
It involves a high risk, severe consequences and sacrifice something that I don't want to.
Faris had forseen this day 2 months ago, that he(not referring to me or Faris) will be the one taking the Dahlia.
But even knowing all that, I accepted the deal they had to offer. The price was too tempting. We then sat down somewhere to discuss about it.
From then on, I realised that there would be no more turning back. What that has to be destroyed in the process, must be perished. What that may be broken in the process, will be easily fixed.
And if I were to tell you all what's going on now, you may think of me as a bad person. But if youa ll will wait till the end of this, you'll think otherwise. I'll tell the whole thing, when the time has come. Until then.... things won't be the same........
It's been a long time since I last saw that face. Really. It has been somewhat 3 to 4 years ago..
Yes, a familiar face passed by me after a long 3 to 4 years. I guess the others haved noticed that too. Even Zhafri reacted, "Hey I know you!" The face just smiled and walked past us.
I didn't think about it that much though. I already had an objective in mind - make a
song. So we decided to go to Macdonald's in Admiralty to think up of a song.
When we reached there, we just sat there - as I expected - and talked crap along the way. I just sat there, letting ideas run through my head. Killed some time..
Finally, we decided to go home. Zhafri, as expected, would take the bus home.
That fat guy never change does he? Always lazy, I thought.
I always turn down the idea of taking buses. I always walk, if it's possible to reach a certain location without much trouble. Or else, I would take the train instead. So I walked back home.
I've been thinking about too many things. Homework, making songs, class and yes, my total expenditure for this year so far. Yes, I wish I could kill myself. After calculating, my total expenditure was
$400...yes, how I wished I could kill myself..
Upon reaching home, I saw Zhafri in the bus. He was signalling to me about something but I don't know what was it.
How I wish we have telepathy or something, a thought came about in my head.
I ignored him and carried on my journey home. I have loads of things to worry about, especially
next week.......
Call It Karma
Discovering The Waterfront
Blame it on the weather, but i'm a mess
And this february darkness has me hating everyone
And i know i need your comfort, but this drama makes me sick
And the longer i lay here, i know it's harder to get up
Without you
Lose another day here
Lose another year here
I'm with you
Finally, something out there, that's making sense
And it's just another trend carefully hidden in your dress
And this cycles neverending, and this fashions overdone
And the further that i run away, the further i'll come back
To shelter...
Lose another day here
Lose another year here
I'm with you
You are the fire, on my apartment floor
Sixteen stories, i'd rather burn then fall
And it isn't fate, that took us all by storm
It's just the turn of a card
Lose another day here
Lose another year here
I'm with you
You are the fire, on my apartment floor
Sixteen stories, i'd rather burn then fall
And it isn't fate, that took us all by storm
It's just the turn of a card
Goodbye old friend
Goodbye goodnight
I'll move on
You'll call it fate, i'll call it karma
We had our time, it was fun
While it lasted
I'll look back, (look back)
With honor
And no regrets
I won't be mad, won't feel bad
These memories (these memories )
Will never leave me
Don't be sad
Cause life goes on, life goes on
It's getting too late (too late)
Tomorrow is here
Dear Online Diary(lol),
GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!We're performing this July and I really really really can't wait!
Zhafri said that there's his Primary school reunion thingy and we can perform there!
Aniwaes, what song are we playing? DON'T KNOW YET!!!
This leaves me nothing else to say but , " C.R.A.P."
I hope we're ready...
Aniway, school reopens tomorrow, can't wait=)
Written with enthusiasm,
(PS: I need the toilet now...)
20th...20th....20th....Why this date?...OMG IT'S A FRIDAY!!! IT'S A HOLY-DAY!!!
This morning, met up with Muhd, Safwan and Zhaf and headed to KFC before prayers..

Then after solat, got soccer school...guess which team is the winner? Duh...
Aniwaes, here's more pics of yesterday...

(Muhd: Hmm..I think smthg tapped my shoulder...)
Now...Ready for a sexy song turned screamo?
What Goes Around..Comes Around(Justin Timberlake cover)
Punk Goes Pop Volume 2
Lyrics? Nah, figure out the screaming yourself...
On a Tuesday...

Great day...
This Morning...

Dear fellow friends,
This morning at around 8 AM, Me, Zhafri, Azizul, Amir and Farhan (Faris joined later) went to school to do our work.
You may ask why in school and not at other places like the library? It's because we'll sidetrack. Refer to the pictures above which was taken on a Tuesday. In the end, we
lepak , not study.
So Zhafri went off first at around 10Am, complaining that he was hungry. We told him to stay but no, he insisted on going home. We let him be. Next was Farhan. Then Faris came. Then, at around 12 NOON, the
makcik from stall 7 gave us FREE FOOD, i repeat, FREE FOOD...IN YOUR FACE ZHAFRI!!!
In the end, we thank them and went home.
Tomorrow, I shall change my blogsong to' What goes around, comes around' (Justin Timberlake cover) by shall observe and listen to the beautiful art of SCREAM....
As requested, I shall post the lyrics on the songs that my band has made, so I'll be posting the lyrics of the song 'Goodbye'. Inspired by a friend who left us for a short while...I have this song is my playlist in my blog,it's of a sucky quality and there's no solo for this song....So enjoy, and yeah, there's a music video for this song on Youtube. The link is
(P.S : This song means a lot to most of us.)
Damage Control
Lost In Translation
It was like any other day
Didn't know you had to go away
The worst thing is
I found it out the hard way
Goodbye, dear friend
I hope we'll meet again
Goodbye, sweet friend
I hope our paths will cross again
Funny thing is, you didn't even tell me
I don't know why you left in such a hurry
It's okay
It's alright
Goodbye, dear friend
I hope we'll meet again
Goodbye, sweet friend
I hope our paths will cross again
Goodbye, dear friend
I hope we'll meet again
Goodbye, sweet friend
I hope our paths will cross again
To People,
Hey there really sorry, I can't post the lyrics of the songs yet. There has been some complications and the rest still hasn't agree with the idea so just hang on really please okay?
This morning, went for a jog at the stadium. Then at 2 went to the library. We had fun back there just now.
Tomorrow, we'll be studying in school. We can't do it at the library anymore.
Anyways, you know the song 'Apologise' by One Republic? Well I hate that song...not until Silverstein made A COVER ON IT..HELL YEA....A HARDCORE COVER ON IT AND IT'S SO NOT POP!!!....It's really awesome and it's my current blogsong..
And one more cool thing, you guys know the 'What goes round, comes around' song or something like that by Justin Timberlake? Well guess what? MY FAV SCREAMO BAND , ALESANA, MADE A SCREAMO COVER ON THAT ONE! HAHA! IT'S HELL LOT BETTER MAN! (I'll be making this ine into my next blogsong next time so watch out!)
There are still more rock covers by different bands on songs like 'I Wanna Love You' by Akon and stuff like that.
So guys, I have to go now, it's kinda late now.
With love,
(P.S : Hell lot of fun today..Here's the lyrics to the song..)
Apologise (One Republic Cover)
Punk Goes Pop Volume 2
I'm holding on your rope,
Got me ten feet off the ground
I'm hearin' what you say but I just can't make a sound
You tell me that you need me
Then you go and cut me down, but wait
You tell me that you're sorry
Didn't think I'd turn around, and say...
It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
I'd take another chance, take a fall
Take a shot for you
And I need you like a heart needs a beat
But it's nothin' new
I loved you with a fire red-
Now it's turning blue, and you say...
"Sorry" like the angel heaven let me think was you
But I'm afraid...
It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
( SCREAM BAYBEH!!!!!!!!!)
It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
It's too late to apologize, yeah
I said it's too late to apologize, yeah-
I'm holdin' on your rope, got me ten feet off the ground.
Good evening,
I am currently writing a letter to blablablabla. OK, Let's Drop This.
Hey there people, this morning had breakfast with Amir, Faris, Zhafri, Azizul and Nabil. Wesley didn't come cause he was GAY. Passed Zhafri my extra phone - his got confiscated lols.
There are A LOT OF THINGS that I would really sorry, LOVE to mention about today. Unfortunately, expressing them in words can be hard as some things are finite.
So, after breakfast, we went to school for a trip to Nanyang Polytechnic. It's quite fun. Well I don't really plan to go to Poly but the courses there are quite interesting though. If I get into Poly, I'll look forward to business and music lols.
A lot of things happened there, me and my two worlds were having loads of fun there.
So we had fun....then finished the whole thing at 12 noon.
When we got back to school, guess what was it? - SOCCER!!! haha, I was drenched. No, not in my sweat, but in the heavy downpour.
Then rushed to Physics, which was a complete
bore. I repeat, complete
bore.After that, went back to soccer again! Hell yea! There were a lot of frustrating moments man...
Amir: The truth behind the lines, is the truth behind the lines.(in nigger slang)
Me: Really?
Amir: Yea, the truth behind the lines, is the truth behind the lines...Think about it...(in nigger slang)..
Me: (Slaps Amir point-blank in the face)
Safwan: (Laughs hysterically)
Me: Everytime when I get fed-up with what he's saying, I'll just slap him..That was the fifth time..
Haha, it was really funny just now seriuosly. Then we walked altogether to Admiralty and went back home.
Hmmmm...tonight, I think I'll finish up my Social Studies homework. ANNOUNCEMENT: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday after 7 Am, I'll be running at the stadium....
2nd Announcement: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, I'll be at the library after 2pm to study....
At the end of today, I would like to say that I have a feeling about something but, it's just an assumption and I can't trust it.
And a quote before I go off, "Things aren't what they seem, there are some insanity behind such wonderful exterior.."
With pleasure,
(P.S : I'll start posting my band's songs just hold on. And yeah, Silverstein's releasing a new album this 31st March)
Hey guys,
Didn't i tell you that I'll be back? Muahaha. Ok let's drop it.
Hey peeps, have you guys read 'Twilight'? I have to tell you that it's awesome. I've finished it in 2 days..
.. Ok, today has been a helluva day. Random stuff happened now and then.
..Ok, what's comin in now is random. Why do a lot of people whom I know changed for the worst? I just can't understand them. Are there challenges in their life or something that forces them to...ARGH..nvm, just drop it.
Really need inspirations to write songs now..And guys, do tell me if you want to study at the library this holidays..
..I'm really looking forward to breakfast with the guys tmr morning. There will be Me, Zhaf, Nabil, Wesley(not confirmed yet coz maybe he's too gay or something?lols just kiddin=p) , Amir, Faris and Azizul.
Tomorrow's going to be a great day, we're going to Nanyang Polytechnic and stuff. I can't wait =p....seriously...
Yours truly,
(P.S : I'm gonna post up the songs that me and my band made some just hang on kay?)
Hey there,
Just changed my blogskin. Sorry but it's not original - it's quite similar to Zhaf's blogskin. Well our blogskins were from the same designer aniwaes...
So yeah in an hour's time I'll be leaving home for madrasah. Can't wait for holidays, really need to start working on my studies and making songs.
Part of my plans for the holidays is going to be in the library from Tuesday to Thursday to study and make songs.
In the morning, I'll be jogging at the stadium with some others.
On Wednesday, me and my band will be playing 'My Heroine' by Silverstein.
If you guys wanna help me out or anything like study with me, I really love and appreciate your help/presence.
(P.S : I may be blogging again later..)
Well today was a relatively fun day.Early in the morning went for a run at the stadium with Zhafri and Farhan....guess who else i saw there?.....
Then went off for tuition......Today was funny...I've a lot of things to say but maybe not now...
Then after tuition went back home to change and went to the library with Amir, Faris, Nabil and Rey....I finished my English homework.
Then went back home at 7pm.....
...Anyone wants to do homework with me and a few others during hols? tell me...
And yeah, I made a song. Nabil's making another one.
Hey this song's by Silverstein it's called 'Discovering The Waterfront'
I will promise myself I won’t care
Distracting myself from your stare
And I’ve seen this mistake once before
With your games I will never fall for
I’ve hung up my guns
I won’t kill again
I won’t forget you
I won’t forget you
I’m not gonna let you win
(I’m not gonna)
But I’m tired of lying
Tired of fighting you
And its not gonna change
You asked for my heart
You know that I’m down
But not the way you lie to me
And tear it all apart
And beg for me to stay
I’ve sailed off to sea
I’m not coming back
I won’t forget you
I won’t forget you
I’m not gonna let you win
I’m not gonna
But I’m tired of the lying
Tired of fighting you
And its not gonna change
Counting down
Make that sound
And you know it makes no sense
Counting down
Till you mess around
And I know you can’t ever change
When I’m trembling
Thrown overboard
When I’m ready to relive the past
Counting down
Make that sound
Break the silence
Pretend its not forever
Ill pull myself together
Ill say that ill forget her
Ill breathe
And ill say she never hurt me
And look at it as learning
And laugh about the good and the bad
Because I will live forever
We don’t belong together
I know ill feel better
One day when I can make it through
I won’t forget you
I won’t forget you
I’m not gonna let you win
I’m not gonna
But I’m tired of lying
Tired of fighting you
And its not gonna change
I won’t forget you
(Counting down)
I’m not gonna let you win
(Counting down)
I’m tired of the lying
Tired of fighting you
And its not gonna change
brought Sally back home.
She wan't really happy being left alone in school after quite some time.
Sorry Sally.
I need help with some words. What words rhymes with 'again'? Please and thank you.
I realised something today, I like jazz music. It's like, i don't know how to say it but it touches my soul and something like that you know.
Made a song today.
....Time flies, things change. People change. Situations change. Destiny changes.
...but seriously, a lot of things had happened for the past few years of my life.
..And, there were some choices which I wished that I'd never made, wrong turn made..
..And there were a lot of choices that I made which was worth it..
..Look myself in my old photos.....Was this what I wanted when I was back then?
...Is this who I'm going to be?Some kind of a backstabbing, assholic, pain in the anus guy who makes some people miserable? Was this what I really wanted? This life?
...Obviously no. People get carried away. They don't realise the changes they've made until after some time. Only until they're home alone at home with nothing to do but to think back and reflect.
...I've met a lot of people in my life, and I would like to say that I've enjoyed meeting them..They made me realise that this world is random.........huh?
..........Only if...................yup..only if.................
OMG! Tmr A Maths test, IM NOT GONA FAIL! Can't wait, i can feel it in my underwear...
Just now my class went to M.I.N.D.S. and im sure that we had a fun time there.
To some guy who wear specs, has a fat ass, dad's name is Alwi, don't cut yourself man..
Crap man, I've got a LONG way to go.......
HEYA, haven't been blogging cause *censored*....
Guess what? I've stopped my bad habit 3 days ago! I've achieved something! WooHoo!
Did a lot of stuff. Played INTENSE soccer. Later on,two of my frens tried to help me with something. Thanks guys. Something happened too.
Got Physics make up lesson. Sorry Safwan can't make it, but I didn't promise you anything in the first place. Then in the afternoon, met up with 2 guys. And one of them told me about something. And I was shocked to hear about it and I decide to write a letter about the person in the story. Then later, I met up with Faris and Amir at around 5, they were going for a hair cut and I followed. Didn't cut my hair though cause my dad told me to cut on Sunday.
So yes, I woke up today, I got Madrasah later at 11 am . I thought of skipping it but meh, I've sinned too much. Before Madrasah, Ima get ma hair cut. Lol yesterday i told Amir to cut layered pendek and he told me it was funny. And now, I've thought about a lot of things to write to Mr. Asshole.....
Dear Mr Asshole,
Please do not be a fucking despo guy and keep bugging others to .......(censored censored censored).......... Just get the hell on with life and DONT FUCKING change your ........( censored censored censored)............ like changing your clothes.
Why? Is it a must for you to have one is it? Huh? Eh kalau konek kau gatal sangat, pergi tengok porn lah bodoh( Eh, if ur dick is so itchy, go and watch porn lah stupid( means if you're horny)......There's no need for you to intrude in other people's life and stuff.
And if you really need someone to share your problems with, there's always your FRIENDS(resort to this if you can't get a *censored* and don't force others to be ur *censored* ). You left them a long time ago. Why? They can't understand people is it? That's what I thought when I left them but nah, they do fucking more than understanding you.
And one last thing, DON'T BE A FUCKING DESPO GUY....
The Tall, Skinny Guy...
(P.S : Thanks for those Mentos on the other day though)
..SO FUCK YOU =D.......
Hey peeps? What's up? Nothing much for today..
During mother tongue...
Shazrul: Well, here comes the Big Show
Lol then we were all talking about wrestling....
Ah, need help to stop this habit. This bad habit which is ruining my health. Sorry ah guys, a little bit of sidetrack...
..I've learnt a lot of things today...
1. Nothing is what it seems( I always knew this)
2. A face doesn't tells his heart's content( I was shocked to hear his story)
3. Horrible secrets of others are disgusting to hear( I was very shocked till i...)
4. When planning something, don't get the passer-by involved, thy're innocent(It's not fair to them)
5. Keep your problems to yourself, confide in someone whom you can trust( Thanks guys for hearing me out at least)
6. Be patient, don't act out quickly( thanks Ms Siti Aisha for making me realise that today)
7. Action speaks louder than words( every empty vessels' mistake)
8. I think, therefore I am ( this makes me believe)
9. Control the inner demons (Don't let them get the best of me)
10. If someone says it so and they mean it, I have to trust them and believe..
There's one more thing - Time...
If only I can turn back time
- to undo all the shameful things I've done in my family tree ( I'm the only black sheep besides my grandfather)
- to undo all the wrong choices made
- Do things to prevent the state that I'm in now
- Make my Mom happier
If only I can have more time
- to spent with EVERYONE I know
- know more about things
- Be more happier
- To understand my Mom
What the hell sia today, seriously.
It's like 9 of us planned this yesterday, then today everyone backed out except for me and Shazrul.
WHAT THE FUCK SIA SERIOUSLY! Yesterday all were like into it, but just now?
What's worst, got a swell near my ankle there, fuck shit soccer arh.
And i fucking love my new lifestyle man! Gyeah!
(only to those who is related to this part, the rest jangan terasa lah).....Im not alone in this process...030309....the 'Brotherhood'.....haha....WE....are gona bash it all out(the secrets in your throat), disgrace you, and make your life a living hell*smiles*...
- I learnt a lot of things
- Changed my life
- Change nine other guys' life too
- Planned stuff
- Know stuff
Ah finally, I can feel it. To balance 2 different worlds in my life, 2 different important worlds in my life that I can't live without, that motivates me too move on.
Today, was funny, shocking, and menacing. We had a lot of fun but had to be serious all the way. We have to win this one. IN FACT, we NEED to win this war....
...Can't wait for tomorrow'a workout, soccer and gym(which is workout)...
Haha, looks like working out was effective after all! From 35 to 22! hell yea! I'm gonna improve a hell lot!
...Lol.....Lost to Amir by one position, but it's okay, last time I was behind him by around 10, VERY close....IMA KICK UR ARSE NIGGA!
Aniways, the school gym was being used for the netball girls...damn you girls! (lol just kidding) ....So WE( Me, Zhafri, Shafiq, Muzakkir, Zubair) desperately went to Woodlands Gym to workout............WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!
IM sorry to say that there wasn't any wrestling today (AWWWW DANG IT)....
So yesterday morning went for a run with Zhaf and Fiq(Shafiq) then went straight to tuition.
At tuition...Safwan and Nabil were like Nigga wannabes so 'gyeah' lols...aniwaes they made this song which goes like...
Safwan: We're niggas in the hood
Nabil: (like an extra)
Safwan: We eat people for the food
Then I burst into laughter..that last line didnt make sense...So yeah after tuition he wanted to play soccer but no one wants to...haha sad face lar you..
After tuition I went to the library to study Maths with Hazmie and yeah..and guess who was late??? duh not always the wayyyyy early one...cheh...
...Aniwaes we saw 2 girls from our school erm I forgot their names but they were from 4E4 and 4E5...........
...So yeah..studied studied studied..and Hazmie rewarded me with Mentos for studying (LOLS WHAT THE HELL) and talk bout random stuff like i dont know and you know what and stuff like that..
...and gyeah for the past two weeks i've this tedency to eat a lot and i asked Hazmie the bio-guy ya know...and he said," You have high metabolism rate which means you're body is growing"
And I'm like, "HELL YEAH! working out is effective!"
So after that we went to get some snacks and went home..
Went to Madrasah, got pissed at the guys who were sitting behind me and were like fooling i turned behind and scolded they were like 15 year olds....then went back home...hungry...
Cant wait for P.E and workout tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!